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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hope for the Future....

There is hope for the future.

The media would like us to believe that all young Black people are thugs, hoods, drug dealers, drug addicts, baby mama's, baby daddies, disrespectful, uneducated, etc....

My daugher was home this weekend and she brought two of her friends home with her. All three of them are students at University of Michigan doing extremely well. While here my daughter high school friends came home for Thanksgiving and they are all doing equally well. Here's a breakdown on my daughter and her friends:

Daughter: She's pre-med. She hasn't determined on a specialty yet, but she's bossy so I can see her being Chief of something.

Female Friend 1(Michigan): She's going into sports management. Already planning for Grad school.

Female Friend 2(Michigan): She majoring in psychology. She wants to run an established youth program at home in California where she volunteers. She's going to keep going and get her Masters, but she's not sure in what you. (She's dating a young man that says he's going to be running the DMC one day. I believe him.

Female Friend 3 (Howard): She's majoring in communication and wants to be a news anchor or another form of broadcasting. I have no doubt she'll make it.

Female Friend 4 (Oakland): Majoring in Business. She plans on getting her MBA and running someone's corporation.

Female Friend 5 (Michigan State): Majoring in nursing. Nurses are in such high demand, excellent choice.

Male Friend 1 (Michigan State): He's going into Law with an eye on the White House. Watch out Obama.

Male Friend 2 (Michifan State): He's a football player, but he's no dumb jock. He's getting his engineering degree and working hard at it. I have no doubt that he's going to the NFL, but he'll definitely be alright if it doesn't happen.

Male Friend 3 (Purdue): He's majoring in engineering, but it wouldn't suprise me to see him being a minister one day.

All my daughters friends are in college right now and I didn't list most of them. It makes me so proud to see these young Black people doing so well in life. I hope my son and his friends come out just as well and I believe they will.

Posted by Shawn :: 7:25 PM :: 7 Hollered

Holla At Yo Girl!
