Motor City Hot Girl online

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Still Rambling.......

Since it's taking waaayyyy to long for the magazine to come out, I thought I'd post another picture. I heard the pictorial is going to be AWESOME and my baby is going to be all over it. Chanel spoke with someone at the agency that said that I'm going to be very happy when I see the picture. In this picture, it's Kate Moss, the famous photographer (Bruce Weber, think Calvin Klein) and another one of the Detroit models. Waiting on this magazine is pure torture!

I had a slight panic attack yesterday. I realize that this is my boy's senior year! This time next year I'll be packing him up for college. The recruiters are starting to call so who knows where he'll end up. I don't think I want him over 12 hours away. I need to be able to get to my baby just in case.....

I'm thinking about starting a hustle. I need a steady flow of "free money" (who doesn't right? LOL) , because with two children in college, I'm going to have very little of that right? I have an idea in mind.

Ok, for some reason I got really sleepy right now, so I'm going to bed.


Posted by Shawn :: 8:55 PM :: 3 Hollered

Holla At Yo Girl!
